

eBcxm ~ Home


eBcxm Logoe-mail: beth@ebcxm.com

Lower Hutt, New Zealand

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Online research,
proof-reading, editing, newsletters, blog & website content…

e B c

No time to do that online research?

No time to keep your website up to date?

No time to write up that newsletter?

Need someone to proof-read or help writing essays,
assignments and reports?

Then check out the services eBcxm can provide:

e B c
m’s Services

  • Online Research
  • Proof-reading
  • Editing
  • Writing
  • Website & Blog Updates
Beth Manning eBcxm Logo



Beth, eBcxm

Starting over…

5th March 2013

Sitting at my favourite local cafe, enjoying the Kapiti sun and my coffee… I’ve got to get my blog up and running once and for all, as it’s been languishing alone online for far too long.  So here goes…

I definitely plan to write in my typical informal, stream of consciousness style – so I hope you will bear with me.

Quick background – I’m a 30-something New Zealander, and at present (and for way too long) I’ve been out of work, mostly due to health issues.   Over the last several years I have done a handful of small contracts for family and friends.   I have done online research – poring over the web to find documents and information, and then collating and setting it all out for the client to use.   I’ve helped some friends proof-read and edit their writing.  I’m still running a blog for my parents – all on the trials and tribulations of building their dream home.  And now I’m trying to branch out and get more work.

Please check out eBcxm‘s full website at:

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I’m no computer whiz, but I know my way around a computer and the internet.   And I think I know what works online – simple & classy!

I love words and writings, and so I hope to use my blog to write about issues and things that interest me.   And I hope that some of you will keep coming back.

I am also interested in having guest bloggers from time to time.  If you’d be interested in contributing – please feel free to contact me, Beth – here.  Leave a reply, or contact me through my contact details.

Watch This Space…